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Addiction hurts. It destroys relationships. It ruins lives. It kills.


Inpatient Drug Rehab: Get Your Life Back

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“Your life does not get better by chance – it gets better by change.” —Jim Rohn

Inpatient Drug Rehab: Get Your Life Back

When it seems like there are no options left in breaking the cycle of addition, inpatient drug rehab is the solution that can save your life.

Addiction hurts. It destroys relationships, ruins lives, and it kills. It’s exhausting and hopeless, and once trapped in it, there’s usually no way out without help. Inpatient Recovery offers that help in an environment optimized for recovery, with compassionate, professional counselors on hand to guide you on your journey to physical, emotional and spiritual health.

We believe that in order for an addict to completely recover, they need to:

  • First, admit they have a problem
  • Second, agree to accept help
  • Third, learn the 12 steps of recovery
  • Fourth, practice the 12 steps in a residential treatment center
  • Fifth, continue to practice these principles after their drug and alcohol rehab treatment program has ended

Inpatient treatment programs provide clients with practical tools and skills to avoid relapse. We are here to help you begin a new drug-free life.

Inpatient Drug Treatment: Because It’s Too Hard to Do on Your Own

Most addicts intend to quit. However, as the amount and frequency of drug consumption increases, the idea becomes more painful and distant. Getting high and staying high takes priority over work, play, health and relationships. Once in a while, through tremendous exertion of willpower, the addict might face the discomforts of withdrawal and get clean for a while, only to resume and get trapped in the cycle again. The central dilemma for the addicts boils down to this: they lose control once they start using, and they can’t abstain even if they manage to quit for a while. By definition, this is an addiction in spite of a short-lived and self-directed ‘recovery’.
At Inpatient Recovery, we believe that the 12 steps of recovery are the most effective way to recover from this seemingly hopeless state of mind and body. The addicted brain is so firmly locked into the desire to use that a deep and profound change is required to remove this obsession. Inpatient drug treatment programs are designed to bring about this change.

What Inpatient Drug Rehab Can Do for You

Inpatient drug rehab can help you in a number of critical areas. First of all, the process of withdrawal from drugs can range from being uncomfortable to life-threatening. At Inpatient Recovery, we have qualified staff to manage detox in order to maximize safety and minimize discomfort.

Interrupting the addiction cycle is only the beginning of treatment. An addict must be free of all psychoactive substances (other than appropriate and prescribed psychiatric medication) in order to address the underlying causes and conditions that, if left untreated, will inevitably lead to relapse. Inpatient Recovery offers a holistic approach to addiction therapy, with an emphasis on 12-step work. Counseling, yoga and exercise, health through nutrition, stress management and relapse prevention techniques are integrated into our clients’ daily routines.

Additionally, addicts need to prepare for a return to life after rehab in purely practical terms. The cultivation of new habits—like showing up on time, being consistently truthful, making and keeping commitments, etc.—is essential in order to make day-to-day living go more smoothly. Finding or returning to work, healing old relationships and forming (healthy) new ones, while also establishing a connection to the recovery community, are all part of the life-changing process of recovery.

Although these goals constitute the aims of inpatient drug rehab centers in general, we believe Inpatient Recovery offers a unique blend of time-tested and results-oriented approaches, optimized for the addict’s best chance of long-term success.

“Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.” —J.K. Rowling Contact Us Today

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