The 12 step program was initially created for those struggling with alcohol dependency. AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) was the first incarnation of many programs that adhere to the same 12 step philosophy. AA founders soon determined that the only way to maintain their sobriety was to share their stories of success, pain and anguish with others who had experienced similar cravings and struggles.
3 Tips For The 12 Step Program
Gather information pertaining to meetings in advance to avoid any obstacles that may keep you from attending. Though the decision to attend a meeting is a momentous step forward, in recovery, follow through is not necessarily a strong area. Search online or browse community phone books to find local listings.
- Call upon a trusted friend to help you maintain accountability in your quest for sobriety. Determine transportation and directions ahead of time. Once you have attended a meeting, make sure to grab a schedule and contact information to help keep you connected.
- Find yourself a sponsor. Sponsors are people of the same sex who have achieved an extended period of sobriety and possess the type of recovery you’re after. Sponsors are people you can depend on whenever a craving hits, you feel challenged, or you are contemplating relapse. Your sponsor will walk you through the steps while keeping you accountable. The easiest way to land a sponsor is to request one. In many instances, new members will be provided temporary sponsors until they become accustomed to the community and process surrounding the program.
Getting The Most Out Of A 12 Step Program
In order to receive the full benefit, participants must utilize all available tools within a 12 step treatment. This includes the 12 steps, sponsors, meetings and contact information. Those who attend meetings will be provided numbers of those they can call upon when needed. These contacts SHOULD be used, due to the isolating effects of addiction. The goal of 12 step programs is to recover in a shared environment.
Every program has its own feel and community. If you do not feel comfortable at a particular meeting, you should seek out another. A 12 step program for dual diagnosis patients may not offer the same comfort to an addict without a mental disorder, and vice versa. Find your fit. It’s worth the effort.
Know that although newcomers are always welcome, no one is ever required to speak. Some meetings are step study meetings – an in-depth discussion on one of the 12 steps. Others are speaker meetings with member testimonials.
The 12 steps have been proven a viable asset to addiction recovery. If you, or someone you love, is struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol Mountain Village is the place to call.
Read More About Freedom and Despair In 12 Step Programs