For many individuals, the occasional alcohol indulgence can provide social entertainment without issue. Unfortunately, for recovering alcoholics who have committed to sobriety and who abstain from use, any amount can lead to trouble. Understanding how to aid a loved one during the recovery process promotes healthier relationships and a safer environment for everyone involved. In this entry we provide a few tips and tricks to help with the transition from addiction to recovery.
7 Tips To Help Your Loved One In Recovery
Allow your loved one to accept responsibility for their actions. Keep in mind that any successful recovery program will require the patient to choose sobriety on their own accord; you cannot force them.
- Make everyone accountable. Behind every addict is a network of enablers, whose cover-ups, assistance and excuses provide them with the ability to continue using. Alcoholism is a family addiction. In order to recover, those involved must take responsibility for their own actions. No ifs, ands or buts about it.
- Locate a support group. Those in recovery require a support network of professionals and other addicts who can sympathize with the experience of addiction. Search for programs in your area that specialize in addiction recovery for both addicts and family members alike. Keeping everyone involved is often a crucial aspect to the recovery process.
- Contact our residential treatment in California. Relapse can be common in the recovery process. If your loved one happens to fall off the wagon, it’s important to treat the situation with care and diligence. Relapse is but another lesson on the recovery road; don’t let it hinder the progress!
- Encourage ongoing treatment participation. Many recovering addicts attend weekly meetings for healing and support. Meetings are also a wonderful way to help prevent a relapse episode.
- Maintain a positive, supportive and sober home environment. Understand that a recovering addict may experience difficulty in situations where alcohol is present. As such, it’s important to plan out activities that do not involve liquor or drug use. In this way, you will be able to offer encouragement and support without temptation.
- Lay down some ground rules. While a recovering addict will benefit greatly from the support of loved ones, it will do little good without a set of boundaries. When these rules are violated, consequences should be enforced – a return to rehab, eviction, loss of privileges, police intervention, etc. Stay strong and be assertive. We believe in you.
If you or someone you love is struggling with an alcohol addiction, Mountain Village is the place to call. Pick up the phone today and let our team of addiction specialists help you or your loved one get back on track towards a healthy and happy lifestyle. Call today! 877-733-5680
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