Social media is wonderful because it allows us to catch up on current events, connect with friends and family, and ultimately view the current world in a new perspective. It is no wonder that so many people use social media, but if you are on the road to recovery, you need to be careful. Social media can actually be harmful for those in recovery, and its negative impact can set you back in your process.
- Social media can become a new addiction. It is easy to become addicted to social media nowadays since so many people use it as their go-to for news, communication and even work. While the use of social media does not change the structure or activity of your body, it can still become an addiction if it interferes with your interpersonal relationships. You do not want to swap one addiction for another.
- Drugs and alcohol are often glamorized on social media. People use social media to share aspects of their personal lives. During the weekend, it is not unusual for people to upload photos of themselves at the bar or at parties, often consuming alcohol or other recreational drugs. This gives off the appearance of the substances leading to a fun, active lifestyle. You do not want to place yourself on a platform where you are exposed to the glamorization of addictive substances.
- Social media can expose us to harmful misinformation. People like to share their opinions on social media, and while it is great to promote discussion on serious matters, this could lead to problems down the road. You may have a friend who posts about at-home detox and recovery methods, claiming that they will work as well as any professional method. Tread carefully when looking at these “verified” methods, especially if they are coming from a questionable source on social media. Your friend may claim that it works for them, but if they are not a specialist or doctor with extensive experience and knowledge of addiction and recovery, then you should avoid their suggestion.
Social media is a great way to reach out and connect with people in this day and age, but it is often not the best atmosphere for someone on the road to recovery. You do not have to completely sever your ties with social networking platforms, but it would be wise to minimize your usage so as to cut down on a potentially negative influence in your life.
Do you know any other ways to avoid social media’s negative influence on your recovery? Let us know!