Sobriety is a popular choice for many during the New Year, due mainly to the potential for new beginnings and a clean slate. Perhaps nothing better signals a “fresh start” than New Years Eve, and as such, a resolution to quit using drugs, drinking or participation in addictive behaviors (sex, gambling, video games, overeating, shopping, etc.) is quite common.
Typically, though, simply making a resolution can fall short. This is true even in individuals who are not addicted to a behavior or substance. If you have chosen to pursue sobriety in 2014, we have a few additional resolutions to help you through the journey.
Tips To Help With Your Sobriety Resolutions
- Tell family and friends about your addictive behaviors and your desire to maintain sobriety. Being accountable to other people makes it much more difficult to fall off the wagon.
Seek out professional help. If you are struggling with alcoholism, it is important that you locate an effective treatment for alcohol addiction. The same rules apply for a drug or gambling addiction.
- Begin participating in a 12-step recovery program. Whatever you are addicted to, chances are there is a program designed to help you. Attending regular meetings is a wonderful way to interact and meet with others who have experienced similar issues. Many in recovery attend daily meetings. After all, most addicts engage in addiction on a daily basis, right? In many situations, recovering addicts find sober relationships to be a key aspect in sobriety maintenance long-term.
- Switch up your routine. Long-term addicts generally maintain a pattern or routine that eventually culminates in addiction. Examine a typical day in your life and determine where you tend to veer towards use. At this point, you should alter your behavior. i.e. take a new route home from work, go for a quick walk, read a book, go to the movies with sober friends, etc. Whatever you choose, the important part is breaking the habit.
- Focus on your physical health. Choosing sobriety is not solely dependent on abstinence. It’s a complete change in lifestyle! Regular exercise and healthy diet can benefit sober living in a variety of ways. Not only will you feel better, you’ll look better too!
- Make a commitment to new adventures and relationships. Take a class at your local community college, learn an instrument or resume an old hobby – any activity to occupy your mind and body in a positive manner. Not only can these activities kick start your brain; they can also aid a social life!
Of course, maintaining these resolutions does not guarantee a perfect year. Life will happen for better or worse. That said, life in active addiction is always far worse than a sober lifestyle. You can do it. We believe in you.
For help jump-starting your recovery, contact us today at 877-733-5680!