“Addiction is a relationship, a pathological relationship in which…obsession replaces people.” – Patrick Carnes.
This statement is—unfortunately—very true. Many people who struggle with addiction feel alone in their problem, unable to connect with others. They don’t want to be around family, they don’t want to be bothered by friends, and they don’t want to interact with others. All they want is their substance.
Addiction is a disease that isolates people, separates loved ones and ruins relationships. If left unaddressed, an addiction can lead to social withdrawal, because the person can no longer relate to those around him or her. Part of recovery, therefore, is the replacement of those relationships and the rebuilding of a person’s ability to interact with and trust others.
Support During Recovery
During rehab and addiction recovery, the individual must learn how to interact with others in a positive way once again. One of the best ways to do this is through group counseling and support groups. These activities help the person engage in conversations, develop empathy, and rely on others for help and support.
We all stumble and fall at times. Sometimes we don’t feel like we have the strength to get back up and try again. It is at our lowest times that we might be able to admit that we need the help of others. It is at these times that we need a loving community around to guide and encourage us. Community is critical to those in addiction recovery, and should be a part of every recovering addict’s healing process.
Life is not a journey to be taken alone. Each of us should think about how we can make a difference in someone else’s life, and about how those around us care enough to do the same for us.