Addiction hurts. It destroys relationships. It ruins lives. It kills.

Inpatient Drug Treatment Programs: What to Look for
If you have begun researching inpatient drug treatment programs in order to help a loved one, chances are your nerves are frayed and your patience has worn thin. Addiction affects all who come into contact with it, and by the time residential treatment is considered much of the damage has already been done.
There are a variety of inpatient drug rehab centers, ranging from purely clinical settings to holistic, faith-based and 12-step modalities. Some emphasize an atmosphere of compassion and care, while others are run like a boot camp, emphasizing structure and discipline. The most effective inpatient drug rehab will incorporate the best features of each. Beyond that, the different approaches may speak to the specific needs of the individual, and part of your research will be about finding the best fit for your loved one.
What Are the Specifics to Look for in an Inpatient Drug Treatment Program?
There are a number of things you will want to find out when looking for an inpatient drug treatment program. Some of them are practical, and some have to do with the style and temperament of the facility and its staff. Here are a few things to consider:
- What are the credentials of the staff?
- What are the costs and can my insurance help (or is there a publicly funded option)?
- Does the facility’s approach fit with my family’s beliefs—and should that be a consideration?
- Is medical detox offered as part of residential treatment?
- What type of help is available for families?
- Is there ongoing support after treatment?
- Does the program offer individualized treatment?
- What is the patient-to-counselor ratio?
- Have the program’s treatment methods been evaluated in available published studies?
Has the addict been in treatment before? Does the fact of subsequent relapse reflect on the treatment given, or was the addict given a firm foundation and appropriate tools for ongoing recovery?
Inpatient Drug Treatment Programs: Some Online Resources
Inpatient drug treatment programs should be licensed, and in order to be licensed they have to conform to certain government requirements. A vast amount of information is available on government-sponsored sites, including detailed descriptions of various drugs, discussion of treatment options, health considerations and criminal justice issues to name a few.
Another valuable government-run resource is the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA). SAMSHA offers detailed information on topics ranging from prevention of substance abuse to treatment and ongoing recovery and support. Other topics include:
- prescription drug abuse
- underage drinking
- data, outcomes, and quality of services
- suicide prevention
- mental illness
Among the many other SAMSHA links is one for the National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP), which is a searchable online registry of more than 330 substance abuse and mental health interventions.
If you have any questions on any of these resources or would like to speak with a counselor, call us now at 877-733-5680.