Now that you’ve completed an inpatient rehab program, you’re probably feeling a mixture of emotions: pride, confidence, uneasiness, fear, hope. The first 90 days of recovery are a critical time to reinforce and apply what you’ve learned to stay on track with your sobriety. As you transition back into the community and a more “normal” lifestyle, here are a few things to keep in mind:
- Keep attending support group meetings
Even if you’re feeling strong and don’t think you need to go, go anyway. Learn from others who have been in your shoes and can offer support and advice as you progress forward in your recovery. Keep building tools and strategies to cope with different situations you may face.
- Take it slowly
Focus on one day at a time and have a plan for each day. Schedule out everything you want and need to do so you’re not left with gaps of unstructured time. Boredom can lead to relapse, so keep yourself busy. At the same time, recognize your limits and don’t take on more than you can comfortably handle. It’s okay to say no. Start taking on more responsibilities slowly.
- Be mindful
Pay attention to not only your thoughts and actions, but your surroundings, the people you spend time with, and potential triggers. Be alert and in the moment rather than just coasting by in a daze where you could soon find yourself in tempting situations. Choose who you associate with, where you go, and what you do with your recovery in mind.
- Ask for help
Recognize when you need help and don’t be afraid to ask for it. Your friends and family want to do what they can to support your recovery so let them and tell them what you need. Whether you need someone to watch your kids while you’re at a meeting or someone to spend time with you because you’re feeling stressed, speak up.
- Set goals
Have short-, medium-, and long-term goals in mind. Break down big tasks into smaller more manageable pieces. Your goals may be simple at first, but that’s okay. Build your confidence and self-esteem so you’re more motivated to achieve bigger things and see that you can be successful.
Make the most of your early days of recovery and set yourself up for success. Keep building on what you learned in inpatient treatment and move forward with confidence.
Leave a comment with some strategies that you’ve found helpful for sticking with your recovery.