
Addiction hurts. It destroys relationships. It ruins lives. It kills.

Inpatient Recovery Blog

3 Self-Care Tips to Help You through a Loved One’s Recovery

Just as your loved one may need recovery from the disease of addiction, you might also need to recover from the ravages of the dis…

Why Community is Critical in Addiction Recovery

“Addiction is a relationship, a pathological relationship in which…obsession replaces people.” – Patrick Carnes. This sta…

Research Shows Connections between Social Media and Mental Health

Several research and nonprofit groups are analyzing the connection between social media and mental health with the aim of detectin…

N-Bomb: Another Dangerous Designer Drug

N-Bomb was banned in Russia in 2011, and finally made a Schedule I drug (not approved medical use and high potential for abuse) in…

Addiction Spurs Various Forms of Trauma Treatment

Recent studies have shown a link between trauma and addiction. Childhood trauma is receiving special attention, with studies repor…

New Designer Drug Results in “Excited Delirium”

Recent stories about a new designer drug have brought interest to a condition known as “excited delirium.” In the most recent …

Is Josh Hamilton Really Out of the Game?

Josh Hamilton’s alcohol and cocaine addictions got the best of him last month when he suffered his third relapse as a major leag…

What Does ‘Holistic’ Mean?

Holistic drug addiction treatment is a new approach that is quickly becoming popular with medical practitioners, therapists and re…

Understanding Drug and Alcohol Addiction: Five Contributing Factors

If you want to avoid substance abuse yourself, or if you have concerns for a loved one, understanding drug and alcohol addiction c…

Self-Love: 3 Addiction Recovery Vows You Can Make to Yourself

February is all about love and relationships, but one of the most important (and often most over-looked) relationships is the one …

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